Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance

Hi F&F,

I have been enjoying the Weekly Photo Challenges.  Along with providing content for this, patchwork quilt of a blog, I like that the assignments require me to be observant, creative and timely; all qualities worth cultivating.

Once WordPress tosses me the ball, I run with it and get to work fun.  If I have a photo in my collection that fits the bill, I will share it; but truthfully my collection is not that extensive. I was a little late in boarding the digital photography bandwagon.

When I don’t have something suitable, I just keep my eyes peeled for opportunities during my daily activities. Between my cellphone and my camera; I almost always have something with me to capture a scene or a moment.

This weeks’ challenge – entrance has been especially entertaining.  I pass through so many entry ways, day in and day out but, I’m always looking beyond them into the next space. Rarely did I ever take the time to look at an entrance its self.  I found it’s a bit of a missed opportunity; because when you start to notice them, you begin to appreciate that some architect or interior designer put a lot of thought into making a good impression.  The way I see it-the entrance is the foreplay before the foyer. Who would want to skip that?!?

I have a few entries for this week’s photo challenge.



About atreegrowsinbklyn

I’m an analog girl living in a digital world. I’m happy except when I’m sad. I’m serious, smart and sophisticated except when I’m silly, obtuse and crude. I’m ambitious and disciplined; except when I’m apathetic and self indulgent. I‘m thoughtful, generous and honest; except when I’m insensitive, cheap and lying. I’m grateful; I’m grateful; I am grateful.
This entry was posted in brooklyn, new york city, Photo, Photography, postaweek2011, Uncategorized, weekly photo challenge and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance

  1. Touch2Touch says:

    Especially like the second from the top —
    but all display your excellent eye.

    • Hi Touch2Touch,

      Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting on my entry for the entrance photo challenge. I like how the bright green of the great outdoors is reflected in the glass of the doors leading indoors. Also, that patch of fresh green against the warm terracotta colors is an interesting contrast of colors.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance | this man's journey

  3. Each photo has it’s own unique presence. Great shots!

  4. northernnarratives says:

    Each entrance makes me want to stop and visit. Thank you for sharing each one. Judy

  5. 4otomo says:

    I like the first two images 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and taking time to leave a comment – appreciated 🙂

  6. Great shots! Love these entrances.

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance… | Mirth and Motivation

  8. 2e0mca says:

    Quite a range of styles in your entrance selection – I love the 4th one with its granite pillars. Like the B&W below it too 🙂

    • HI 2e0mca,

      Thanks for viewing my photos. I stumbled across many attention-grabbing entrances during my wonderings that I found it hard to decide on one image to post. I guess you could say it was easier to enter the challenge than to exit it.



  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance (into a new life?) | Inside Out Cafe

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome. The occasional ping is music to my ears.